Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Dreadmill

Right after I had Ivy, I was very anxious to get back to working out. My Mom would watch Ivy as I would go for a walk the first 4 weeks of my maternity leave, but I was anxious to get back into running and going to the gym. I realized very quickly that is it difficult to make it to the gym when you have a baby. I would have to go at night when Jason got home from work. On the days that I work all day and, I want to hang out with Ivy when I get home...not leave her again to go to the gym. So I decided that for my b-day, anyone that wanted to contribute, could put money towards a treadmill for Jas and I.  We searched KSL everyday to find one. 2 weeks ago, we came upon a listing that was located just 5 minutes away. It was the perfect treadmill for us. Jason and I lugged it into the house (having to take the front door off in the process), before deciding that it would fit perfectly in the garage (what a pain!)

Now I sometimes call the treadmill, the dreadmill because I have a really hard time running on it for long periods of time. I get bored, then convince myself that I am more tired that I am. I figured out the way for me to get an awesome workout and not get bored is to trick myself and run intervals. If I only have to look forward to a 1-3 minute increment or period, it goes by really fast.

Here are the ones that I have tried that have me sweating like a beast.

AND...just because I can't write a blog post without pictures of Ivy, here are some.
Ivy's first Sunday attending church. I know it is fuzzy, but this is the only picture I have. She's so grown up.
This is how Ivy watched the Oscars.
We are working on her smiles and baby selfies.
Practicing tummy time

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